BGT Scandinavia AB säljer & marknadsför Foresight Sports produkter och system i Sverige & Norge.
Foresight Sports tillverkar Launch Monitors & Simulatorer och är det världsledande systemet inom golf för att hjälpa Tourspelare eller amatörgolfaren med sin träning, tillverkare att utveckla nya produkter och Club-fitters att optimera den perfekta utrustningen för spelaren.
Launch Monitors
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Vill du veta mer om Foresight och hur vi kan hjälpa dig med en Launch Monitor eller en egen simulator så kontakta oss på info@bgolftech.se
Gene Parente
Founder of Golf Laboratories
“Before the GCQuad, I could replicate any set of launch conditions with my robot, but I didn’t know the cause behind those conditions. The GCQuad changed that by providing accurate clubhead delivery data, enabling me to better understand the cause and effect in a golf swing.
I use my GCQuad on a daily basis and in my line of work, where accurate data is everything, I need to use the best in the industry to provide information to various outlets and golf industry leaders. It’s my livelihood. Without this device, I wouldn’t be as good as I am now. It’s just that simple.
If you want the best in class, a launch monitor that delivers 99.9% accuracy, then Foresight products are the way to go. Competitors may offer lower prices, but they don’t match the reliability and accuracy. In my opinion, and based on the data, Foresight Sports makes the best golf launch monitors.”
Peter Finch
PGA Pro & Golf Influencer
“I chose Foresight initially just because of the way that the data was captured. I was familiar with radar systems as well, and we all know that these different launch monitors all have their own benefits. But for me, with Foresight, because it was a photograph, because it was data which was so consistent every time, and not just based on ball flight, I felt that I could trust that really well. Then as I was comparing the Foresight data to radar data, it just became clear that one was more consistent than the other.”
David Colclough
Head of Coaching & Sports Science at The PGA
“The new golf studio here at the PGA National Training Academy is the epitome of ‘Excellence’. As you walk through the door, you cannot fail to be impressed with the look and feel of the space, but the real excitement comes from seeing and experiencing it in action. The opportunities this state-of-the-art studio provides will enable us to offer our PGA Assistants in-training, and qualified PGA Professionals, a learning experience of the highest standard.”